Gladiator Beasts also known as "Glads" is a very nice and inexpensive deck whose purpose is summoning their Fusion Monsters, especially GB Gyzarus and GB Heraklinos, in order to control the field. Since Resque Cat is banned under the September 2010 banlist Gladiator Best deck lost speed. So I decided to add Elemental Hero Prisma in the deck to make it faster. The deck that combines the Gladiator Beasts with the E-Hero Prisma to make the fusion summons faster are also known as "Prismaglads".
My deck list is:
3x Test Tiger
2x GB Laquari
2x GB Darius
2x GB Equeste
1x GB Bestiari
1x GB Murmilo
1x GB Homplomus
1x GB Retiari
1x GB Secutor
2x E-Hero Prisma
2x Thunder King Rai-Oh
2x Book of Moon
2x Smashing Ground
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x My Body as a Shield
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Cold Wave
2x Gladiator Proning Ground
2x GB War Chariot
2x Waboku
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Trap Stun
1x Icarus Attack
3x GB Gyzarus
2x GB Heraklinos
Note: As far as "Icarus Attack" is concerned, there are 3 Gladiator Beasts that are Winded-Beast type but it can be very usefull to avoid a "Bottomless Trap Hole" on your "GB Bestiari" or you can even use it when your "GB Bestiari" is attacked and you have no other protection. Of cousre he will be sent to grave, but you can bring him back using "GB Darius" or "GB Equeste" so its worth the cost.
*GB = Gladiator Beast
*E-Hero = Elemental Hero
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