Τετάρτη 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010

Blackwing Deck List

Blackwings also known as "BW" is a deck based on its ability to swarm the field with monsters and synchros. Of  cousre since "Black Whirlwind" was limited they lost at speed, but especially if you have a good hand first its very difficult for your opponent to stop your summons. You should though be very carefull because propably your opponent will side "Trap Hole" in order to stop your normal summons so you can not use "Black Whirlwind". So, it would be a nice idea to side "Trap Stun" to avoid that.
My deck is:



3x BW Sirocco the Dawn
3x BW Shura the Blue Flame
3x BW Bora the Spear
3x BW Kalut the Moon Shadow
2x BW Blizzard the Far North
2x BW Vayu the Emblem of Honor
1x BW Gale the Whirlwind
1x BW Elphin the Raven
1x BW Breeze the Zephyr
2x D.D. Crow
1x Dark Armed Dragon


2x Book of Moon
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Black Whirlwind
1x Cards for the Black Feathers
1x Allure of Darkness
1x Mind Control
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole


3x Icarus Attack
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Mirror Force
1x Royal Oppression


2x BW Armor Master
2x BW Armed Wind
1x Mist Wurm
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Colosal Fighter
1x Thought Ruler Archfiend
2x Black Rose Dragon
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Gaia Knight the Force of Earth
1x AOJ Catastor
1x Magical Android

Note: I've heard many people asking why the "Royal Oppression" doesn't stop Vayue's effect. Well, the answer is that Vayu's effect is to remove him from play and special summon a synchro BW monster. So, the removal is not a cost for an effect, but THE effect and that's why he is not removed from play if you use oppression on him. Of cousre you can continue paying 800 LP, but it will be useless because Vayue will be able to activate his effect again and again an you will end up with no LP.

*BW = Blackwing
*LP = Life Points
*AOJ = Ally of Justice

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